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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Backup

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   81 Back to Backup Home 

 41 - Commonwealth RBS Browse Website open in new window
Remote Backup and Communication Tools, without borders for Companies worldwide.


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 42 - Bankoi Backup Browse Website open in new window
Online files storage service. Includes online demo and free 25mb introductory service.


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 43 - DataHealth Browse Website open in new window
Data backup service specializing in the healthcare industry with ongoing, automated protection and recovery systems.


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Provides secure enterprise content management including backups and restores from anywhere via Internet.


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 45 - BackUp Solutions Browse Website open in new window
Automated and secure online backup service providing price points, feature list, and support information.


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DataFort provide secure and reliable offsite backup for servers and high capacity workstations.


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Automatic secure offsite backup service, 30-day trial available.


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 48 - Online Backup Browse Website open in new window
Service allows users to make encrypted backup of local files to a secure server on the Internet. Provides software for scheduling and selecting files.


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Providing data protection automatically by sending copies of your critical data files to their off-site data storage facility on a regular basis.


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 50 - ImperaData Browse Website open in new window
Online Backup, archiving and disaster recovery services for business. The company's philosophy revolves around protection of critical data as a first priority. Additional services provide hardware and premises protection.


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