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 Computers » Robotics » Research


Papers (8)  

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Engineers, computer scientists, and doctors work together at this lab to develop surgical robotics technologies.


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ORNL Group performs research and development in the fields of robotics, exoskeletons, human amplifying machines, and advanced mobility devices.


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Established in 1979 to conduct basic and applied research in robotics technologies relevant to industrial and societal tasks. Links to a range of specific robots and labs.


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home for researchers in the Stanford Computer Science Department whose primary research focus is Artificial Intelligence. Specializes in including manipulation, machine learning, navigation, vision, tactile sensing, and reasoning.


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University of Sheffield group specializing in intelligent systems and control, nonlinear systems, and signal processing.


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IRIS is a part of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zürich (ETHZ), and focuses on integrating robotics with the research areas of robotic micro-manipulation, hybrid MEMS, biomanipulation and micromechatronic systems.


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Research topics include active vision, visual geometry, pattern analysis, machine learning, sonar imaging, sensor systems, and artificial neural networks.


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Specializes in the field of automation technology including robotics, mechatronics and control of industrial processes.


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Works on biologically inspired robotics, particularly the principle of embodied intelligence. The lab is transdisciplinary and includes researchers in the fields of computer science, mathematics, physics, biology, ethology, neurobiology, psychology, m...


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Helsinki University of Technology group specializing in mechatronics, perception, navigation, legged machines, and mobile robot societies.


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