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 Computers » Robotics » Research

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University of Rochester group specializing in appearance based recognition, mobile robots, and the use virtual reality techniques in psychophysics experiments to learn about the human brain and the human visual system.


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Focuses on building and testing a robot cognitive architecture. Also does research on intelligent agents for network security and intrusion detection.


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The IRRC at Monash University in Australia conducts research primarily in mobile robot navigation, machine perception and manipulation.


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Based at the University of Köln in Germany. Research-topics include navigation for milling, manipulation of deformable linear objects, and safety strategies for human-robot cooperation.


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Provides information about the MIT Lego Robotics seminars. Photos from past seminars, project lists, and links to resources.


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 106 - The robots at LAMI Browse Website open in new window
Lists robotics related activities at EPFL in Switzerland.


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The Case Western Reserve CAISR lab integrates robotics, neural networks, machine vision and other advanced technologies to create flexible, automated, intelligent systems.


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University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign research project consisting of self-propelled and self-controlled hovercraft floating on a airhockey-type table.


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Service Robotic research projects include volcano inspection robots, orange picking robots, climbing robots and microrobots.


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Research into the issues relating to automation of mining. Projects include automated digital terrain mapping, undersea exploration and mining, and rapid roadway development. Based at The Queensland Centre for Advanced Technologies in Australia.


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