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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Ruby » Weblogs


Rails (24)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   21

 1 - O'Reilly Ruby Browse Website open in new window
Covers many aspects of Ruby, Rails, related topics. O'Reilly Media.


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 2 - One, Step, Back Browse Website open in new window
Covers many aspects of Ruby: Ruse, Rake, Rails, RubyGems, RailsConf (US, Europe).


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 3 - Nick Sieger Browse Website open in new window
Covers many aspects of Ruby, Rails, related topics.


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Covers Ruby, Rails, programming, news and tips for developers. By Antonio Cangiano, software engineer, technical evangelist, IBM.


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 5 - Giles Bowkett Browse Website open in new window
Wide range of Ruby and programming topics; by author of over 10 open source projects.


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Covers a few aspects of Ruby: Rails; by Martin Fowler. MF Bliki.


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 7 - Eigenclass Browse Website open in new window
Repository of Ruby code, information, culture: writings, development resources, unusual idioms, hacks that bend the language, reviews and improvements of 3rd-party code, news on development: changelog summaries, translations of Japanese communications.


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Covers many aspects of Ruby; by Pat Eyler.


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 9 - Idle Hacking Browse Website open in new window
Offers articles and tutorials about ruby extensions.


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 10 - PJ Hyett Browse Website open in new window
Musings on life, Ruby and Rails programming, and everything in between; by part owner of Err the Weblog, Err Free.


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