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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Ruby


Articles (21) Books (11) Conferences (6)
FAQs, Help, and Tutorials (16) Implementations (7) Java (9)
NET (9) Rails (104) Software (147)
Tools (47) Weblogs (21)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   18

A dynamic, interpreted, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. Site includes news, downloads, documentation, libraries, and community links. [Open Source]


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Growing article, with links to many related topics. [Wikipedia]


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 3 - ruby-talk Browse Website open in new window
Ruby mail list log/archive, powered by Shin-ichiro Hara's Ruby smart archiver.


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 4 - RubyCentral Browse Website open in new window
Ruby resource: One-click Windows installer; online copy of Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide. [Open Publication License]


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Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting growth of open source Ruby programming language; manages RubyConf, donation clearinghouse, presence and point of contact for corporate sponsors.


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Link page: describes language, links to central site, FAQs, references, newsgroup, mailing lists, books.


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Peer reviewed online journal: articles, news, Weblogs, buzz, chapters, forums. Artima Software.


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Known as <rubyXML/>: news, articles, and links on XML development with the Ruby scripting language.


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Group of Ruby and Rails programmers who live and work in the New York City area. Merger of ruby-nyc and rubyonrails-nyc.


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Hal Fulton's Ruby page, small but growing: links, software, and 'Thirty-seven Reasons I Love Ruby'.


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