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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Ruby » Software » Frameworks » Rails » Personal Pages » Weblogs

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   24

 1 - Riding Rails Browse Website open in new window
Official Ruby on Rails team group blog; essential for learning of security updates, and overview of full Rails community.


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 2 - Techno Weenie Browse Website open in new window
By Rails core committer Rick Olson, who is also creator of: Rails Weenie site, Beast forum program, Mephisto blogging program, and many popular plugins.


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 3 - Loud Thinking Browse Website open in new window
By Rails' original developer, David Heinemeier Hansson.


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 4 - (24)slash7 Browse Website open in new window
Focus: Rails and web design; very useful reading for RoR developers; by Amy Hoy.


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Includes tutorials and tips to develop with the framework. By a core team member.


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 6 - Rails Envy Browse Website open in new window
A RoR blog by two full-time Rails programmers.


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 7 - The Rails Way Browse Website open in new window
Core Rails committers answers user submitted questions about Rails.


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 8 - RubyCorner Browse Website open in new window
Focus: Ruby and related technologies and projects. Has directory where blogs are ordered by most recent update. English, Espaņol.


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 9 - Err the Blog Browse Website open in new window
Wide variety of Ruby and Rails related topics, said to be from the front.


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By noted Rails programmer and speaker Josh Susser. Includes regular thoughts, tutorials, code snippets, meditations on RoR programming.


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