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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Ruby » Weblogs

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   21 Back to Weblogs Home 

 11 - Juixe TechKnow Browse Website open in new window
Covers programming topics, many involve Ruby, Rails, related items.


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Offers several news and articles about ruby and Radiant CMS.


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Covers many topics, many involve Ruby, Rails, related topics. Kevin Tew.


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 14 - Rubyology Browse Website open in new window
Provides podcast interviews of ruby core team developers and the language's users.


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 15 - Ruby Inside Browse Website open in new window
Covers many aspects: daily tips, news, code, fun.


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 16 - Ruby Fleebie Browse Website open in new window
Author goals: explain key Ruby concepts in his own words, understandably, entertaining, fun, not boring.


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 17 - Wrobel, Lukasz Browse Website open in new window
Offers several tutorials and news about the language and it's libraries.


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Covers Ruby and Rails, by the largest Ruby User Group (RUG) in the world, based in Pune India.


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Covers business and open source use of Ruby and Python vs. Java, Agile processes used with these languages; and sometimes RoR, Ajax, distributed teams, search engine optimizing, Web 2.0.


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 20 - Ruby and Rails Browse Website open in new window
Tips on the language and Rails, for beginners and advanced users. By Marcos Ricardo.


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