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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries » Graphics » Charts

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A 100% Java based charting utility that outputs a variety of charts. This package is ideal for displaying charts via Servlets.


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This chart implementation provides graphs of one or more functions as Swing components. The design was made to render large amounts of real-time data. [Open Source, BSD]


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Plots various types of two-dimensional charts such as pie charts, line charts, bar charts, scatter plot charts, and combo charts; and supports magnification and resizing. [Open source, LGPL]


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 14 - JOpenChart Browse Website open in new window
A Java library for rendering various kinds of charts and to include them into WWW and Swing applications. It can interpolate measured data and plot arbitrary mathematical functions. [OpenSource, GPL]


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A class library for creating graphs and charts in Java. Backed by a full 3D engine, it can plot 2D or shaded 3D Pie Charts, Line Graphs, Area and Bar Graphs from any viewpoint to PNG, Flash, PDF or SVG. [Commercial w/ trial]


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A chart library with a flexible building-block-architecture. It has an API for off-screen operations like printing or creating images and contains many 2D and 3D chart implementations. [Shareware]


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 17 - Plotlib Toolkit Browse Website open in new window
Extensible object-oriented graphing framework using the Java2D API, supporting XML, and with additional simplified classes for common requirements. [Open Source, GPL]


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Generates a variety of charts, including line, pie, and bar. [Commercial]


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Java charting package that can be used as bean, servlet or applet. Requires almost no programming since charts are designed using RChart Visual Builder. [Commercial]


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 20 - xmlCharts Browse Website open in new window
An easy way to configure and draw charts from XML. XmlCharts is written in Java and used jCharts. [Open source, LGPL]


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