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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries » Graphics » Charts


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Charting components for use in both server-side and client-side applications. [Commercial]


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 2 - JFreeChart Browse Website open in new window
Creates charts such as bar charts, line charts, pie charts, time series charts, candlestick charts, high/low/open/close charts, wind plots, and meter charts. [Open Source, LGPL]


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2D data plotter and histogram tool implemented in Java. Ptplot can be used as a standalone applet or application, or it can be embedded in your own applet or application. [Open Source]


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 4 - EasyCharts Browse Website open in new window
A complete library of chart and graph components that can display bars, columns, lines, and pies with overlays. [Commercial]


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 5 - Visual Mining Browse Website open in new window
Performance dashboard, graphical reporting and charting tools to quickly create dashboards, reporting and online graphs. [Commercial]


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 6 - Singleton Labs Browse Website open in new window
Provides a charting library: MonarchCharts, which supports pie, bar, and 3D charts; interactive features include scrolling, zooming and 3D chart rotation. [Commercial]


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 7 - KavaChart Browse Website open in new window
A collection of Java charting utilities, including applets, beans, server-side imaging tools, and COM objects. [Commercial with demo]


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Provides complete support for Web-based charting, bringing truly dynamic, interactive charts to Web GUIs. [Commercial]


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Tools for visual chart editing and creation from a selection of templates and styles. Also tools for report and dashboard.


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A Java chart and graph library designed for JSP server side usage. Allows charts to be composed through layers. [Free and commercial versions]


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