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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries » Graphics


3D (14) Charts (21) Data Formats (16)
User Interface Classes (43)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   17

 1 - Java-Gnome Browse Website open in new window
Java GTK+ and Gnome bindings using JNI. [Open Source, LGPL]


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Class library for constructing graph/diagram editing applications. [Open Source, Apache]


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Graph visualization component for Swing. Includes tutorial, FAQ, and user guide. [Open Source, LGPL]


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Implements a very innovative system for sub-graphing and allows for stunning visuals and it provide a number of layout algorithms. [Open source, LGPL]


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 5 - OpenJGraph Browse Website open in new window
Various graph-drawing and traversal algorithms. Support for user interaction such as adding and removing vertices. [Open Source, GPL]


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 6 - PJA Toolkit Browse Website open in new window
For generating images on servers, without the need for an X server. [Open Source, GPL]


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 7 - ILOG JViews Browse Website open in new window
Library and components based on Java2D for maps, diagrams, graph layout, gantt chart, charts, editors and workflow. For client or server side graphics, including SVG.


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 8 - HyperGraph Browse Website open in new window
A Swing based API to visualise graphs using hyperbolic geometry (hyperbolic trees). Example applet provided. [Open source, GPL]


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 9 - JInsight.com Browse Website open in new window
Offers various class libraries including "JetChart Library", which displays a variety of types of charts. [Commercial]


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Generic 2D graphics library for Java. [Open source, LGPL]


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