Easy Inter-Process Shared Memory Communication Utilities for Win32 using a simple Fortran 77-style interface. Written for Compaq Visual Fortran by Gary Scott.
OS Command line interface utility for Compaq/Intel Visual Fortran with immediate return or wait specified in milliseconds (routine automatically quotes the command string).
Code by Kevin Rhoads to allow precision to be deliberately thrown away in an IEEE floating point compliant computing environment in order to more closely model computations in less precise floating point systems.
SPARSEM is a collection of sparse matrix classes that makes programming with sparse matrices (and large problems) almost as easy as a matrix language. BLUPF90 is a BLUP program written using SPARSEM. REMLF90 is a REML version of BLUPF90 that uses acce...
Dcl2inc postprocesses ftnchek .dcl files to create separate include files; dtosstod converts Fortran floating-point precision; fpp is a reversible Fortran preprocessor; lprsf3 is a filter to print Fortran and SFTRAN3 files with boldface keywords; and ...