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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code

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 51 - Ncregrid Browse Website open in new window
Tool by Patrick Jöckel for data transfer of gridded 2- and 3-dimensional (spatial) geophysical/geochemical scalar fields between grids of different resolutions. The algorithm handles data on rectangular latitude/longitude grids (not necessarily evenly...


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Subroutines for control theory, calculating eigenvalues of Hamiltonian matrices, packing and unpacking symmetric or triangular matrices, and examples of discrete- and continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations.


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Random generator networks and other algorithms.


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Code from book and for nonlinear optimization and matrix equations, by Stephen Nash.


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Code for partial differential equations, quadrature, and the solution of linear systems, with associated papers.


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Codes to time floating point and integer arithmetic, intrinsic functions, and random access to memory.


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 57 - Daniel A. Steck Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 codes to integrate Ito stochastic differential equations, generate random numbers, compute the FFT, and time programs.


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 58 - Fortran 77 Codes Browse Website open in new window
Programs by Niklaus Zimmermann for climate data analysis, moving window regression, soil profile analysis, and testing predictive (simulated) maps.


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 59 - Utility Code Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 95 code by Paul van Delst for type kinds, comparing floating numbers, error handlers, file processing, endian conversion, list processing, string processing, dates, and fundamental constants.


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Code for sets, graphs, multi-precision integers, and polynomials.


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