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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code

 Web Pages    101 - 110   of   114 Back to Source Code Home 

 101 - Wavelet Analysis Browse Website open in new window
Code to accompany book by Christopher Torrence and Gilbert P. Compo.


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 102 - Memory Leaks Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 test program by Arjen Markus to see if memory leaks originating from derived-types can be circumvented.


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Fortran 77/90/95 codes to test run-time diagnostic/debug capability of Windows and Linux Fortran Compilers, by Arnaud Desitter and Herman D. Knoble.


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By Matthew B. Kennel. Accompanying paper is at http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004physics...8067K.


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Fortran 90 module to perform am n-dimensional optimal interpolation (OI). The optimal interpolation allows one to interpolate arbitrarily located observations to a regular grid using a background field as first guess.


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 106 - Numerical Methods Browse Website open in new window
Code by John H. Matthews to accompany the book Numerical Methods for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering, Second Edition.


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 107 - Examples Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 codes from introductory course by John Mahaffy.


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 108 - Iounits.f Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 77 module to automatically assign i/o unit numbers, by Judah Milgram.


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Fortran 77 code to compute the day of the week of a date using the Zeller congruence algorithm.


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 110 - KindFinder Browse Website open in new window
Fortran 90 program by Werner W. Schultz that checks for the available KIND parameters available for a given Fortran 90 or 95 compiler. It prints into a file a new Fortran program that can be compiled to write into a unit the various parameters that de...


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