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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Fortran » Source Code

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Written by Alberto Garcia in the F subset of Fortran 95, freely available under the BSD license.


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Shareware by Stephen Kirkup.


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Geometric Software   (by Kokichi Sugihara) for Voronoi diagrams in 2D and 3D, and convex hulls in 3D and 4D.


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Translations of Fortran 77 packages Lapack, Linpack, Eispack, Quadpack, and others. Code for graphics, finite elements, random number generation, and other topics.


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Collection of Fortran 77 routines that address many traditional areas of mathematical software, including approximation, ordinary and partial differential equations, linear algebra and eigensystems, optimization, quadrature, root finding, special func...


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Keyed file shareware in Fortran 90 and 77, Fortran 90 interface to the X Window system.


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Programs for aeronautical engineering, many from NASA or USAF, complete with public domain source code, instructions and sample cases on CD-ROM. [Commercial]


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Examples of the F (Fortran 95 subset) language, by Harvey Gould.


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Fast Fourier Transforms and Silicon interatomic potentials.


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XFT (eXtended Fortran Types) is a set of Fortran modules which wrap some Win32 APIs, the Dialog Management section has an enhanced DFLOGM module from CVF 6 and the Win32 Headers section has translations of some C header files that were not (yet?) inco...


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