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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » XML » Applications


Content Management (19) Document Types (6) DSML (1)
ebXML (11) Jabber (53) MathML (18)
NewsML (1) Office Open XML (13) OpenDocument (16)
OpenOffice XML (5) P3P (51) Programming (59)
SMIL (9) SOAP (25) SVG (61)
Tools (1) VML (13) VoiceXML (44)
WSDL (7) XHTML (41) XSL (95)
XUL (41)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   38

Describes mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content. (W3C Recommendation 21 February 2001)


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A royalty-free, open specification to describe financial information for public and private companies and other organizations. Overview, FAQs, press releases, resources, demonstrations and information about events.


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Based on GML, which is used for graph description; uses tags to describe nodes and edges of a graph. Its purpose is to make possible the exchange of graphs between different authoring and browsing tools for graphs


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DAML is being developed as an extension to XML and RDF. DAML+OIL provides a rich set of constructs with which to create ontologies and to markup information so that it is machine readable and understandable.


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A data model for describing information organization structures (metadata) for collections of networked information.


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A vocabulary used for describing software packages and their dependencies. It is intended to be useful in automated software distribution environments.


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Open standard XML application developed by the W3D Consortium as the successor to Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML 97).


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A text format used by applications to annotate text input to speech synthesizers; derived from Java Speech API Markup Language.


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A general-purpose, XML-based specification grammar for expressing rights and conditions associated with digital content, services, or any digital resource.


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 10 - MusicXML Browse Website open in new window
Designed to represent musical scores in common Western musical notation. It is an interchange format for notation, performance, analysis, and retrieval applications.


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