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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » XML » Applications

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Used for sharing news articles, developed by the International Press Telecommunications Council. Because metadata is applied throughout the news content, NITF documents are more searchable and useful than HTML pages.


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Used to define geometrical description of complex systems.


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Vendor neutral industry organization that created Chem eStandards, uniform standards of data exchange developed specifically for the buying, selling and delivery of chemicals.


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Includes specification, sample code and examples, and discussion forum.


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Document type for bookmark files, which can be used to exchange bookmarks between any browsers and also to publish them on the web. A conversion program is available.


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Designed to describe log reports of web servers. Mining web-data that has been collected from web server logfiles, is not only useful for studying customer choices, but also helps in organizing web pages. The structure of a web site is represented as ...


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Freely downloadable set of DTDs that define interfaces between business applications such as Purchasing, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Human Resources, and Financials, The context of the DTDs is fully explained in a document called OAGIS, which is also...


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An OASIS effort to create a synthesis of existing XML business document libraries into one universal business language.


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 19 - ISO 15022 XML Browse Website open in new window
Replaces FIX and SWIFT messaging protocols as a single industry standard; prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC68, Banking, Securities and Related Financial Services, Sub-Committee SC4, Securities and Related Financial Instruments.


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A set of XML building blocks and a document framework that allows the creation of robust, reusable, XML documents to facilitate global trading, using SOX, XDR, and DTDs.


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