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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » XML » Applications

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Microsoft tutorial, explaining how CDF gives Web authors another way to organize their sites.


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 32 - RecipeML Browse Website open in new window
Official specification document, FAQ, example recipes, and the DTD of the recipe markup language formerly known as Dessert.


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An XML doctype for the storage of novels, stories, poems and related texts.


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A markup language for storing, combining, and sharing quotations, facts, ideas, and opinions. Also used for building trees and webs of such information.


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A lightweight XML DTD and style sheets for the structuring of Resumes and Job Listings. (Working Draft)


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 36 - XML in Mozilla Browse Website open in new window
This document provides an overview of the plans for XML in Mozilla. (Mozilla)


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An XML encoding for news which is intended to be used for the creation, transfer, delivery and archiving of news. By International Press Telecommunications Council. [XML-compliant browser required]


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Enables Web sites to express their privacy practices in a standard format that can be retrieved automatically and interpreted easily by user agents.


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