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 Computers » Data Formats » Markup Languages » XML » Applications » ebXML

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Sponsored by UN/CEFACT and OASIS is a modular suite of specifications that enables enterprises of any size and in any geographical location to conduct business over the Internet. News, technical specifications, reports, mailing lists, references to im...


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Open source reference implementation at Source Forge. News, CVS access, documentation and bug database available. Source released under Apache Software License.


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General information, links and a list of historical events (news).


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This page lists known ebXML implementations (mostly commercial).


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Panel discussion at XML Europe 2001 conference focusing on how does ebXML fit with the work of other industry standards groups.


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 6 - ebXMLsoft Browse Website open in new window
Offers information about ebXMLsoft products, news, Java-XML samples, technology links.


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 7 - oz-ebxml group Browse Website open in new window
An Interest Group for Australia representatives for the ebXML initiative with over 100 members.


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Statement from IBM regarding intellectual Property Rights concerning CPPA. IBM offers royalty free licensing under reasonable and non-discriminatory (RAND) terms and conditions, in accordance with IBM's then current licensing practices.


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 9 - openebXML Browse Website open in new window
An open source initiative with the goal to implement ebXML. Site offers information, mailing list, CVS access, downloads under Mozilla like license.


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 10 - Webswell Connect Browse Website open in new window
Open source ebXML registry/repository server and client (ebxmlrr implementation), including all necessary components already configured.


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