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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Neural Networks » People

 Web Pages    51 - 60   of   112 Back to People Home 

 51 - Zhou, Zhi-Hua Browse Website open in new window
Neural computing, data mining, evolutionary computing, ensemble networks.


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 52 - Tipping, Mike Browse Website open in new window
Varied machine learning and data analysis topics, including Bayesian inference, relevance vector machine, probabilistic principal component analysis and visualisation methods.


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 53 - Ballard, Dana H. Browse Website open in new window
Visual perception with neural networks.


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 54 - Beal, Matthew J. Browse Website open in new window
Bayesian inference, variational methods, graphical models, nonparametric Bayes.


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 55 - Neal, Radford Browse Website open in new window
Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, evaluation of learning methods, data compression.


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Reinforcement learning.


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 57 - Frohlich, Jochen Browse Website open in new window
Overview of neural networks, and explanation of Java classes that implement backpropagation, and Kohonen feature maps.


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Statistical methods for inference and learning.


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 59 - Storkey, Amos Browse Website open in new window
Belief networks, dynamic trees, image models, image processing, probabilistic methods in astronomy, scientific data mining, Gaussian processes and Hopfield neural networks.


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Bayesian inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, machine learning.


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