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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Neural Networks » People

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 11 - Roweis, Sam T. Browse Website open in new window
Speech processing, auditory scene analysis, machine learning.


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 12 - Koller, Daphne Browse Website open in new window
Probabilistic models for complex uncertain domains.


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 13 - Sejnowski, Terry Browse Website open in new window
Sensory representation in visual cortex, memory representation and adaptive organization of visuo-motor transformations.


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 14 - Russell, Stuart Browse Website open in new window
Many aspects of probabilistic modelling, identity uncertainty, expressive probability models.


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 15 - Seung, Sebastian Browse Website open in new window
Short-term memory, learning and memory in the brain, computational learning theory.


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Image analysis with unsupervised learning, face recognition, facial expression analysis.


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 17 - Heskes, Tom Browse Website open in new window
Learning and generalization in neural networks.


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 18 - Dayan , Peter Browse Website open in new window
Representation and learning in neural processing systems, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning.


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 19 - McCallum, Andrew Browse Website open in new window
Machine learning, text and information retrieval and extraction, reinforcement learning.


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Theoretical neurophysiologist and author of The Cerebral Code, How Brains Think.


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