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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Neural Networks » People

 Web Pages    91 - 100   of   112 Back to People Home 

 91 - Opper, Manfred Browse Website open in new window
Statistical physics, information theory and applied probability and applications to machine learning and complex systems.


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 92 - Cheung, Vincent Browse Website open in new window
Machine learning and probabilistic graphical models for computer vision and computational molecular biology.


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 93 - Muresan, Raul C. Browse Website open in new window
Neural Networks, Spiking Neural Nets, Retinotopic Visual Architectures.


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 94 - Zemel, Richard Browse Website open in new window
Unsupervised learning, machine learning, computational models of neural processing.


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 95 - Attias, Hagai Browse Website open in new window
Graphical models, variational Bayes, independent factor analysis.


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 96 - Sykacek, Peter Browse Website open in new window
Brain Computer Interface.


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Computer vision, image analysis, neural networks.


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 98 - Malchiodi, Dario Browse Website open in new window
Machine learning, Learning from uncertain data.


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 99 - Brody, Carlos D. Browse Website open in new window
Somatosensory working memory, computation with action potentials, design of complex stimuli for sensory neurophysiology.


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 100 - Saund, Eric Browse Website open in new window
Intermediate level structure in vision.


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