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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Neural Networks » People

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Graphical models, variational methods, kernel methods.


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Sensorimotor control, unsupervised learning, probabilistic machine learning.


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 33 - Boutilier, Craig Browse Website open in new window
Decision making and planning under uncertainty, reinforcement learning, game theory and economic models.


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Gaussian processes, non-linear Bayesian inference, evaluation and comparison of network models.


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 35 - Maass, Wolfgang Browse Website open in new window
Theory of computation, computation in spiking neurons.


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 36 - Meila, Marina Browse Website open in new window
Graphical models, learning in high dimensions, tree networks.


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 37 - Friedman, Nir Browse Website open in new window
Learning of probabilistic models, applications to computational biology.


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 38 - Oja, Erkki Browse Website open in new window
Unsupervised learning, PCA, ICA, SOM, statistical pattern recognition, image and signal analysis.


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 39 - Bach, Francis Browse Website open in new window
Machine learning, kernel methods, kernel independent component analysis and graphical models


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 40 - Hansen, Lars Kai Browse Website open in new window
Neural network ensembles, adaptive systems and applications in neuroinformatics.


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