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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Natural Language » Chatterbots

 Web Pages    31 - 40   of   50 Back to Chatterbots Home 

 31 - AI Buddy Browse Website open in new window
Personal chat bots for use with AOL Instant Messenger.


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 32 - SabrinaDev Browse Website open in new window
An opensource AI project to create a Turing-Test-capable chatbot for self and social improvement.


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 33 - Chompy Home Page Browse Website open in new window
Chompy is a freeware natural language parser written in Java. There are two main aims to the Chompy project: to provide an educational program to demonstrate the basics of Chomsky's structuralist grammar, and to develop a natural language parser class...


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 34 - Chat Web Bot Browse Website open in new window
Web Chat-Bot: Speaks English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch and was awarded Chatterbox Challenge 2004 Bronze Medal for Best Learning Bot category.


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A seasoned humorous greeter and site Admin. Auto-responses, humor and key word laughter and site resources.


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The home of a downloadable, teachable chatbot.


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 37 - Madam Zena Browse Website open in new window
First Place Winner of 2004 Chatterbox Challenge "most popular" medal! Just ask me a few questions, or chat for fun. I have the gift to see the future.


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Hobby project written in Visual Basic 6.0 by M.F. Wahid. ALIM, in Classical Arabic, means the one who has knowledge. ALIMbot is an Artificially Intelligent chatbot that tries to effectively react to the user input.


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 39 - Answerpad Browse Website open in new window
Downloadable program which answers questions based on past memorized conversations. Compatible with Microsoft Agent characters.


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 40 - Lady Chatterly Browse Website open in new window
A full-featured Usenet bot based upon existing chatbot technologies such as AIML, Eliza, and NICOLE. Features include but are not limited to whois lookup, random header generation, google search and babelfish translation, encryption support, and rando...


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