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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Natural Language » Chatterbots

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Chat bot Billy, available for download.


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This is a research about chatterbots and CMC.


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Does not know about any language, does not learn, adapt or process natural language. Catty picks up on random phrases and tries to formulate a response by searching Google.


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 24 - Elizaneth Browse Website open in new window
A Javascript implementation of Joseph Weizenbaum's Eliza by Arne Solli.


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Call for Entries, Rules, and other Information about the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest in Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Atlanta Georgia, USA.


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Web-based sarcastic version of ELIZA.


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Beta test the shareware Virtual Woman game. Color graphics and music.


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create a personal chat bot with an easy to use Web-based interface.


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 29 - Lots-A-Bots Browse Website open in new window
Create a free chatterbot with easy programming, 24/7 bot hosting. Special package deals are available for advanced botmasters. Online assistance, community projects, and special groups are some other great features.


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 30 - N.I.C.O.L.E. Browse Website open in new window
"Nearly Intelligent Computer Operated Language Examiner" - NICOLE is a theory or experiment that if a computer is given enough combinations of how words, phrases and sentences are related to one another, it could talk back to you.


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