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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Natural Language » Chatterbots


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Web-based version of this person-centered therapist emulator.


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Chat with a difference - an Artificial Intelligence learns from every word you type. Regularly passes the Turing Test.


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A self-adapting system which searches the web on the basis of user input. "A search-engine for things you don't know about."


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A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine.


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A web-based version of Eliza. Meant to imitate a conversation with a psychiatrist.


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An annual Chatterbot Contest offering money and awards to contestants in several different categories.


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Contains various chatterbots, chatrooms, news and papers.


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Talk to Jabberwock, Loebner Prize winner 2003 as "most humanlike Artificial Intelligence" and Chatterbox Challenge gold medal winner 2003 as "most popular chatterbot"


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 9 - Pandorabots Browse Website open in new window
Build and host your very own chatbot. Include speech and images. Connect it to instant messaging services, multiplayer games and become part of a growing ecosystem of virtual personalities.


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 10 - Ai Research Browse Website open in new window
Focuses on creating genuine Artificial Intelligence - the technology that enables machines to converse with humans in natural language. Based on a groundbreaking approach, Ai's technology will pass the Turing Test for machine intelligence by 2011.


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