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 Computers » Artificial Intelligence » Natural Language » Chatterbots

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   50 Back to Chatterbots Home 

 11 - Zabaware Browse Website open in new window
Chatterbot software gives computers a personality. UltraHal is available as a PC assistant (Windows shareware), a web-based demonstration conversation application and an AI bot for websites.


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Verbots help real humans deal more comfortably and effectively with their increasingly complex world.


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 13 - MeBot Project Browse Website open in new window
A 'welcome bot' experiment set up in the first person to represent the author, MrHolden.


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Chat with a community of Artificial Intelligence Personalities, then create your own AI Personalities and watch them chat with real people. Bots will remember you.


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 15 - Ask ALEX Browse Website open in new window
Experimental bot programmed to help users find legal information on JURIST: The Legal Education Network, and elsewhere online.


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Artificial intelligence robot Splotchy chats with you in human voice


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EBBA is an open-source project aiming to develop an advanced chatbot by combining AIML, 3d facial expressions, speech synthesizer and iq-test solving functionality.


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Chatbot Tribot on website to talk with him, but only in polish.


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Peer into the mind of the serial killer.


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The home of the chatterbot Talk-Bot, which uses smiley faces to express emotions and small icons to enhance the conversation.


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