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 Computers » Usenet » FAQs » Individual Group FAQs

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Directory of FAQs and information specific to individual newsgroups.


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The frequently asked questions file for the alt.magick.tantra usenet newsgroup. Discussions within this forum include sacred sex, tantra of all types, karezza, and sex magick.


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Charter and FAQ for the Belgian Usenet newsgroup about photography be.rec.photography. Includes photography links.


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Faqs on html language.


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 25 - alt.satanism Browse Website open in new window
Basic information about Satanism and the Church of Satan, including explanations of sins and symbolism and information about becoming a member.


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Information about the newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.games, and general information about games for the Commodore Amiga family.


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Charter, group origins, posting guidelines and other FAQs.


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Hosts the unofficial FAQ of alt.binaries.sounds.anime which includes general information on binary newsgroups and related tools as well as specific guidelines for this newsgroups.


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 29 - alt.magick Browse Website open in new window
Official Frequently Asked Questions from the alt.magick Usenet newsgroup. Containing occult information on magick, spells and other arcanum.


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