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 Computers » Usenet » FAQs » Individual Group FAQs

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 11 - uk.music.folk Browse Website open in new window
Frequently asked question on folk, roots and acoustic music in and from the UK. Maintained by Steve Mansfield.


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How news.groups.reviews functions. How to post a review. From Graham Drabble's Web Site.


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Articles and FAQ for alt.binaries.warez.ibm-pc and other related newsgroups. Also contains tutorials on posting and downloading files and a collection of useful links.


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Discuss serious, mundane, or silly issues. Flirt and share embarrassing personal secrets. Have fun. Explanation of common terms and abbreviations used on soc.singles and general hints for posting articles there.


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Explanation of common terms and abbreviations used on soc.singles (and many other conversational newsgroups) and general hints for posting articles there.


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 16 - alt.illuminati Browse Website open in new window
FAQ intended to show what documented facts are available and provide an overview of the many theories on the illuminati.


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Weightlifting and bodybuilding.


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Intended both as an introduction for newcomers to the newsgroups and as a source of information for anyone exploring Middle-earth, this FAQ is regularly posted in rec.arts.books.tolkien and alt.fan.tolkien.


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The FAQ for the newsgroup about people who relate strongly to animals and/or furries in a way that impacts their personalities and/or way of life.


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 20 - uk.rec.walking Browse Website open in new window
One of the two FAQs regularly posted in this newsgroup. The other is available from Graham Drabble's Web Site.


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