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 Computers » Software » Spreadsheets » Excel » Add-Ins

 Web Pages    71 - 79   of   79 Back to Add-Ins Home 

Eases navigating through complex spreadsheets. Provides company and purchasing information, free demo and a presentation of the product.


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Developer of OptWorks, a suite of optimization tools. Includes Genetic Algorithms and six other non-gradient based optimizers.


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 73 - ExcelShield Browse Website open in new window
A security solution that encrypts all formulas, restricts user rights and removes hidden sensitive data from workbooks. In Vienna, Austria.


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 74 - Dutchcode Browse Website open in new window
Timeslider adds the third dimension of time to your spreadsheets


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 75 - ExcelSavvy Browse Website open in new window
Software to discover spreadsheet errors, help with auditing and understand complex models.


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Offers data analysis and reporting tools for budgeting and forecasting. Proposes consulting services. In London, UK.


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The company that developed the basic solver offers the Premium Solver. Provides download, online ordering, company information and a tutorial.


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 78 - Aware Technology Browse Website open in new window
Proposes What-if modeling. Description of the principle, list of products and prices, online ordering.


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Provides access to SQL Server Analysis Services to manipulate business data directly in a spreadsheet. Presentation of the company and its technology. In the UK.


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