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 Computers » Software » Spreadsheets » Excel » Add-Ins

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   79

 1 - Lindo Systems Browse Website open in new window
What's Best allows the creation of optimization models in Excel. It solves linear, nonlinear and integer programming problems.


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 2 - DealMaven Browse Website open in new window
Provides tools to gather, analyze, check and present quantitative data. Presentation of the company and its products and FAQs.


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Open Source OLAP software ideal for budgeting and forecasting


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Free help, a forum and templates for a wide variety of purposes including stock market, real estate and financial statement evaluation, invoicing and personal finance.


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Offers graphing software for scientists and engineers, with the facility to import data from Excel.


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 6 - Lumenaut Browse Website open in new window
Monte Carlo, Decision Tree and Statistics add-in for risk analysis


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 7 - ExcelEverywhere Browse Website open in new window
Converts a spreadsheet to an HTML page with formulas translated to javascript. Provides a FAQ, online ordering and company information.


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Excel add-in contains over 300 utilities to fill the gaps in Excel, and automate frequently used tasks.


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An Excel add-in for introductory-intermediate courses in statistics. Mail order only.


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 10 - Add-ins.com Browse Website open in new window
Proposes collections of add-ins and visual basic macros.


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