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 Computers » Software » Spreadsheets » Excel » Add-Ins

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   79 Back to Add-Ins Home 

Provides development tools for building, testing, documenting and using spreadsheets. Presentation of the company and its product, contact and purchasing information. In the UK.


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 42 - ExcelSentry Browse Website open in new window
Encrypts spreadsheets allowing normal operations only for authorized users.


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 43 - AbleBits Browse Website open in new window
Provides Pivot Table AutoFormat XL, allowing the creation of collection of autoformats.


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 44 - User Solutions Browse Website open in new window
Solutions for scheduling, material control, graphing and time sheets.


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Provides utilities including those to compare, analyse, map and track down the sources of circularities in spreadsheets.


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LockXLS protects VBA and spreadsheet formulae from reverse engineering and provides trial period functionality.


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 47 - Data Manager Browse Website open in new window
Transforms Excel into a fully functional database. Allows you to convert worksheets into tables and conduct queries within the Excel environment.


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Add-in that removes passwords, with certain limits. Postcard-ware.


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 49 - IPredict Browse Website open in new window
Time-series predictions using Bayesian algorithms and Wavelet analysis.


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Add-in for manipulating and analysing data.


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