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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Security

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Data recovery, forensic software, and hard drive copying software.


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 22 - SuperLock Pro Browse Website open in new window
This security program by TriVectus provides powerful features to keep your Macs secure, such as three access levels and support for thousands of users, protection even when the computer is booted off a different disk, and various password cracking pre...


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 23 - Password Key Browse Website open in new window
A desktop security program by Carl Powell III designed to provide a limited amount of security.


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 24 - Drive Vaccine Browse Website open in new window
Computer restoration software ideal for schools to reverts back upon reboot not saving any changes.


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These are two security utilities for your Macintosh. The former is an extension that will ask for a password on startup. While the latter is meant as an addition to a currently in place security system that doesn't disable the shift key on startup.


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 26 - DiskGuard Browse Website open in new window
Protect any hard disk connected to your Macintosh and prohibits unauthorized access.


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 27 - DeltaVideo Browse Website open in new window
Video motion detection and tracking software for the Macintosh by Channel D Corporation that can use any QuickTime-compatible video input source.


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 28 - MacPrefect Browse Website open in new window
High Resolutions security program protects machines against accidental or semi-malicious damage.


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 29 - iEmpower Browse Website open in new window
Advanced Macintosh security software implementing Apple Computer's latest Mac OS 9 technology.


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Passgen is a handy Mac OS X Dashboard Widget for generating pronouncable and easy to remember passwords.


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