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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Security

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Data shredder.


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 12 - IPNetSentry Browse Website open in new window
Silently and intelligently watches for suspicious behavior, and when triggered, invokes a solid filter which completely bans the potential intruder from your Macintosh


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Utility for creating, managing and backing up encrypted disk images, and for encrypting USB sticks and other external drives. Free trial version available.


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 14 - Web Confidential Browse Website open in new window
An application that stores all of your user IDs, passwords, registration keys, PINs, serial numbers, and the like for easy retrieval using a card metaphor. For protection of this sensitive information, the password database can be scrambled with up to...


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A software firewall providing IP address-based protection for any and all TCP-based services running on your Macintosh.


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Practical security tips to make Apple's Airport wireless network more secure.


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 17 - Stealth Signal Browse Website open in new window
Antitheft tracking software for lost or stolen computers available for Mac OS and Mac OS X.


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File and disk deletion software. [Shareware with some features disabled until registered]


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 19 - Gideon Softworks Browse Website open in new window
Makers of OpenSSH Helper and Secure Shell Helper.


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 20 - Secure Image Pro Browse Website open in new window
Protect images from unauthorized downloading and printing with this image protection system by Artistscope.


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