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 Computers » Software » Operating Systems » Mac OS » Security


Encryption (5) Hacking (4) Malicious Software (7)
Open Source Mac Security (2)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   32

An encryption program that can be used outside the United States and Canada.


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Homepage to Apple's security resources and guides for Mac users.


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A site dedicated to security-related issues and software on the Macintosh.


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Isolates, detects and removes spyware, keystroke loggers, and trojan horses for Mac OS and Mac OS X.


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Makers of security software for the Macintosh including DiskLock and OnGuard.


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Tracking software for stolen computers, assistance tools in IP tracing.


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 7 - ContentBarrier Browse Website open in new window
Intego's content control helps parents protect their children and businesses optimize employee productivity by monitoring Internet usage and enabling content filters.


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 8 - NetBarrier Browse Website open in new window
A security utility by Intego that provides personal firewall, antivandal, and filtering capabilities to protect your Macintosh from Internet or network-based attacks.


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 9 - CryptoHeaven Browse Website open in new window
Encryption service for Internet communications with Mac OS X client.


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 10 - FileGuard Browse Website open in new window
Intego's desktop security program offers multi-level, multi-user security for files, documents, folders and applications with secure deletion, password protection and time restrictions.


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