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Scandinavian vendor with partners in Norway, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark. The Synkron system is aimed at the mid-market.


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Web- and php-based Content Management Software which is available in different Versions and with different Addons. There is also a version for free available.


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 83 - Conversant Browse Website open in new window
Groupware application and development platform written in Frontier (UserTalk). Includes web-based content management system, NNTP server, mailing list server, and XML-RPC methods for the entire API.


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 84 - Net-It Central Browse Website open in new window
Offers online, electronic document publishing and web content management.


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Custom, database-driven solutions. OBS has been in the content management business for 21 years, first as a full-service book packager, and for the last 11 years as Internet developers and host, building online workspaces and easy-to-administer publis...


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Manages FlashMX content. Workflow, lifecycle, categorization, and a full package of templates.


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REDtechnology offer content management and hosting services to companies in the UK, including the ConductIT content management product suitable for business of all sizes.


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A team of software developers, creating web content management and e-commerce solutions. Work with design partners to provide functioning web sites.


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 89 - immediaC Browse Website open in new window
i-Web Suite is a CMS for graphic designers and web designers.


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 90 - Contensis Browse Website open in new window
System enables both technical and non-technical staff to edit, manage and publish web, intranet or extranet content. It has an XML core, workflow, and edits content elements in WYSIWYG mode.


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