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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Content Management


ASP (24) ColdFusion (8) Consultants (47)
Desktop Applications (9) Frontier (24) Hosted Services (92)
Java (16) News and Media (7) Open Source (42)
Perl (19) PHP (330) Rails (104)
Resources (16) Update Via E-mail (1) Weblog Tools (172)
Wiki Tools (111) WYSIWYG Editors (138) XML (19)
Zope (68)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   258

Specializes in helping IT departments satisfy internal customers. The flagship product, Essential Element allows users to manage content for web deployment.


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 2 - Crm Management Browse Website open in new window
Commence offers top rated Online CRM Software for Mid-Market and Small Enterprises (SME). Offers additional Web CRM Software solutions as a Contact Management Application for SFA, Online Marketing Management, Lead Management, Quoting, and Outlook.


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 3 - Hannon Hill Browse Website open in new window
Offers mid-level software for teams and departments and more high-level software for larger companies and governments.


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 4 - Abacus E-media Browse Website open in new window
Specialise in providing content management systems, portal development, web design and kiosk services.


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a central resource for documentation, specifications, software, mailing lists, and other useful items.


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 6 - Vignette Browse Website open in new window
Integrated content management applications, services and enterprise solutions for businesses to manage, personalize, syndicate, and analyze content to interact online with customers, employees and partners.


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Produces a communications management system which simplifies and automates marketing communications processes.


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 8 - Interwoven Browse Website open in new window
Provides content management software and services.


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Web content and user management system. WYSIWYG (MS WORD style) content editing, role-based workflow, rollback versioning, multi-lingual versioning, content scheduling and multi platform content delivery. E-GIF, WAI and BOBBY compliant.


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Java-based development and staging server, multilingual, workflow, versioning, WebDAV support.


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