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Offering solutions for businesses, governments, and associations, Xpressware.CMS is primarily targeted at the public sector.


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 102 - GraphicMail Browse Website open in new window
A web-based email software for the design, management and sending of graphical newsletters, brochures, promotions, invitations, press releases, product launches and other email campaigns.


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Providers of Engenda, a Web content management and dynamic publishing solution with strong XML support, workflow, and content contribution for non-technical users.


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 104 - Wandsoft Browse Website open in new window
e-Publisher is ColdFusion based content management. Can be integrated with sales, booking, and customer relationship tools.


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Provider of enterprise archiving and records management software.


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 106 - Publish Button Browse Website open in new window
Publish Button is an innovative Web Content Management System designed for print and web publishers.


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A flexible Web-based content management system for dynamic, content-rich sites.


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Providers of a wide range of Internet services for businesses - from bespoke content management applications, online booking systems, customer relationship management and e-commerce solutions.


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 109 - NuRelm NuContent Browse Website open in new window
Web content management software for small to mid-sized organizations and company intranets.


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 110 - Saurus CMS Browse Website open in new window
Saurus CMS is positioned between hardcore developer tools and simple end-user do-it-yourself kits. It offers ample functionality to create professional web presence but at the same time it is easy to use and does not require programming knowledge.


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