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 Computers » Software » Internet » Site Management » Content Management

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 171 - InsightBuilder CMS Browse Website open in new window
A multilingual web-based content management system, featuring content authoring, workflow management, and versioning. Supports publication to multiple locations.


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Scalable, multilingual, intelligent personalization and search/text mining features


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Knowledge base support system written in PHP and MySQL.


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 174 - BarClaey Browse Website open in new window
GOOZ features WYSIWYG editing, scheduled content, template-driven web pages, approval workflow, visitor tracking, and an integrated search engine and mailing list.


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 175 - RedLark, Inc. Browse Website open in new window
Specializes in offering content and information management solutions for publishers who wish to control their own websites through a browser-based interface.


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 176 - WebGecko Software Browse Website open in new window
Build scalable web applications with Active Page Generator and Visual Studio.


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 177 - Hemingway Browse Website open in new window
A website content management system for desktop and Palm platforms.


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 178 - WebAttache Browse Website open in new window
Affordable web content management and e-commerce software for business.


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 179 - Refresh Software Browse Website open in new window
SiteRefresh CMS is delivered as a hosting service or licensed software. For middle-size to enterprise companies, with workflow and publishing approval.


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The Spirit Application Suite is a proprietary system which allows you to edit and update your web site, manage your mailing lists, profile your clients and more, giving you complete control from one simple online interface.


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