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 Computers » Robotics » Building

 Web Pages    21 - 26   of   26 Back to Building Home 

 21 - Robots' Home Browse Website open in new window
Information and photos that detail the construction of three similar robots based on the 68HC11 microcontroller.


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 22 - Evil Robotics Browse Website open in new window
Specializes in designing and building fighting robots. Robot design tips and downloadable SolidWorks parts files.


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This site spotlights my testbed robot named "OR". There are a few tips for starting your own robot.


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Describes how to build a robotic pan and tilt webcam using two servos and a PIC controller. The finished device can be controlled from a PCs serial port.


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Plenty of links to other hobby robotics sites.


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 26 - Robotica Browse Website open in new window
General robot and circuit building information down to the component level and information on the author's robot projects.


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