An assortment of microcontroller projects for robotics and other embedded applications. Projects include a software component, a hardware component, or both. The information and source code is proprietary. The license allows free (gratis) download and...
Lots of detailed information about designing and building fighting robots, including the physics behind different weapons, speed controllers, motors and batteries.
Tutorials on the use of computers in automation, control and robotics. Includes simplified descriptions of feedback, proportional control, derivative control, and integral control.
Detailed construction notes for creating robots based on direct-drive stepper motors salvaged from disk drives. A PIC 16F84 is used for control. Diagrams and schematics.
Electronics Projects using PIC microcontrollers including EEPROMs, USB, LCD, wireless modules, i2c, compass, and tilt sensor. Projects may be used for educational purposes but not commercially.