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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Databases and Persistence » JDBC


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 1 - JDBC API Browse Website open in new window
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API is a standard SQL database access interface. This API provides programmers with universal access to a wide range of relational databases. (Sun)


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The JDBC API is a Java API that can access any kind of tabular data, especially data stored in a Relational Database.


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Logs all queries between any JDBC application and any database with no code changes required. [Open source]


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A directory of JDBC-Driver-Vendors.


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Essentials of the Java Programming Database Access and Permissions. This lesson converts the application, applet, and servlet examples from Lesson 6 to write to and read from a database using JDBC.


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Using the JDBC interface to connect to and utilise a database from within Java.


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A pure Java package for handling multiple concurrent database connections. DbConnectionBroker creates a broker with a very simple interface for handing out and returning database connections from a configurable pool of connections. Also RandomGUID (ut...


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A simple Java-based Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) tool. It may connect to any JDBC data sources and perform transformations defined in an XML file. [Open source, LGPL]


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A simplified version of JDBC that runs on both the server and as part of client applications. [Commercial]


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Offers configurable JDBC pools to multiple databases and SQL query/ResultSet cache. Generic Java object pooling is also available. [LGPL]


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