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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries

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A licensing framework that can be embedded into custom Java applications or components only allowing the permitted use according to the supplied license. [Commercial]


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 52 - CreditCardPack Browse Website open in new window
Provides EJB, GUI and non GUI components related to credit card data and data validation. By Keyoti Software.


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 53 - WhatJar.co.uk Browse Website open in new window
A free resource allowing to locate third party Open Source libraries. It crawls the web to constantly index the Open Source libraries.


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Utility classes for the java collections framework. [Open source, GPL or LGPL]


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A financial library for automated stock trading, including many technical indicators and quote retreivers to fetch both intraday and historical stock quotes from various internet sources. [Open source, GPL]


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 56 - Lava Rocks Browse Website open in new window
Utilities such as printf, array manipulation, console mode dialogs, file management, text, and DES crypto. [Commercial]


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Collection classes that complement and extend java.util .


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Consists of four Java components that provide streaming HTML-to-PDF conversion, streaming ZIP file generation, HTTP file uploading, and emailing.


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An extendable implementation of the NetBeans Filesystems API providing transparent access to local, JAR, CVS, XML and FTP filesystems. [Open Source, MPL-like]


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A collection of easy to use multi-purpose Javabeans providing commonly used methods for handling I/O, arithmetic, and general commonly used algorithms used in computer science. [Open source, BSD License]


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