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 Computers » Programming » Languages » Java » Class Libraries

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An open source rule based scripting language for information integration and agents in Java, combining imperative and declarative programming. Distributed agents communicating via JMS or JADE use reaction rules in a natural syntax.


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A vehicle routing software library that uses specialized genetic algorithms to calculate an optimized allocation of orders and stops to mobile resources is presented with trial download and pricing information. [Commercial]


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 23 - My Java Tools Browse Website open in new window
General purpose Java tools libraries: Lib (Objects, Strings, Files, FileFormat, Web, Tools, ZipInput); run - a Java application that runs code from a URL; jsp - Universal JSP turns JSP language into Macro; Practical XML - a very simple XML library.


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 24 - JThreadKit Browse Website open in new window
Multithreading collection that provides common wrappers and synchronized implementations. [Commercial with demo]


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 25 - UnifiedIO Browse Website open in new window
Allows to access everything (files, streams, arrays) in same manner, and gives a clear difference between read only and read/write access, control over byte order, optimized reading over http. [Open Source, BSD]


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 26 - JSpeechLib Browse Website open in new window
Speech synthesis library is available for download with documentation. [LGPL]


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 27 - Marauroa Browse Website open in new window
A Java framework for creating online multiplayer games. [Open source, GPL]


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JLicense is a Java utility library for creating and validating license keys. AuthToken is Java utility library for generating and validating authentication tokens (i.e., an encrypt string). [Freeware, pay for sources]


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A collections framework for primitive Java types. The framework supports all primitive types and includes bridges to the standard Java Collections Framework. [Open source, LGPL]


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Implementation of the JSR-107 JCache API. Its aim is to provide an open source alternative to commercial jcache implementations and deliver a fast distributed caching mechanism for java and j2ee. [Open source, LGPL]


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