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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0901 - 1000

 Web Pages    61 - 70   of   100 Back to 0901 - 1000 Home 

 61 - RFC 0914 Browse Website open in new window
Thinwire Protocol for Connecting Personal Computers to the Internet. D.J. Farber, G. Delp, T.M. Conte. September 1984.


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 62 - RFC 0925 Browse Website open in new window
Multi-LAN Address Resolution. J. Postel. October 1984.


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 63 - RFC 0941 Browse Website open in new window
Addendum to the Network Service Definition Covering Network Layer Addressing. International Organization for Standardization. April 1985.


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 64 - RFC 0975 Browse Website open in new window
Autonomous Confederations. D.L. Mills. February 1986.


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 65 - RFC 0907 Browse Website open in new window
Host Access Protocol Specification. Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc..July 1984.


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 66 - RFC 0986 Browse Website open in new window
Guidelines for the Use of Internet-IP Addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol. R.W. Callon H.W. Braun. June 1986.


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 67 - RFC 0924 Browse Website open in new window
Official ARPA-Internet Protocols for Connecting Personal Computers to the Internet. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. October 1984.


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 68 - RFC 0928 Browse Website open in new window
Introduction to Proposed DoD Standard H-FP. M.A. Padlipsky. December 1984.


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 69 - RFC 0991 Browse Website open in new window
Official ARPA-Internet Protocols. J.K. Reynolds, J. Postel. November 1986.


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 70 - RFC 0942 Browse Website open in new window
Transport Protocols for Department of Defense Data Networks. National Research Council. February 1985.


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