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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0901 - 1000

 Web Pages    91 - 100   of   100 Back to 0901 - 1000 Home 

 91 - RFC 0935 Browse Website open in new window
Reliable Link Layer Protocols. J.G. Robinson. January 1985.


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 92 - RFC 0962 Browse Website open in new window
TCP-4 Prime. M.A. Padlipsky. November 1985.


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 93 - RFC 0938 Browse Website open in new window
Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol Functional and Interface Specification. T. Miller. February 1985.


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 94 - RFC 0965 Browse Website open in new window
Format for a Graphical Communication Protocol. L. Aguilar. December 1985.


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 95 - RFC 0967 Browse Website open in new window
All Victims Together. M.A. Padlipsky. December 1985.


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 96 - RFC 0926 Browse Website open in new window
Protocol for Providing the Connectionless Mode Network Services. International Organization for Standardization. December 1984.


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 97 - RFC 0979 Browse Website open in new window
PSN End-to-End Functional Specification. A.G. Malis. March 1986.


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 98 - RFC 0929 Browse Website open in new window
Proposed Host-Front End Protocol. J. Lilienkamp, R. Mandell, M.A. Padlipsky. December 1984.


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 99 - RFC 0984 Browse Website open in new window
PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers D.D. Clark, M.L. Lambert. May 1986.


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 100 - RFC 0981 Browse Website open in new window
Experimental Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm. D.L. Mills. March 1986.


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