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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0901 - 1000

 Web Pages    51 - 60   of   100 Back to 0901 - 1000 Home 

 51 - RFC 0940 Browse Website open in new window
Toward an Internet Standard Scheme for Subnetting. Gateway Algorithms and Data Structures Task Force. April 1985.


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 52 - RFC 0970 Browse Website open in new window
On Packet Switches with Infinite Storage. J. Nagle. December 1985.


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 53 - RFC 0933 Browse Website open in new window
Output Marking Telnet Option. S. Silverman. January 1985.


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 54 - RFC 0927 Browse Website open in new window
TACACS User Identification Telnet Option. B.A. Anderson. December 1984.


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 55 - RFC 0985 Browse Website open in new window
Requirements for Internet Gateways - Draft. National Science Foundation, Network Technical Advisory Group. May 1986.


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 56 - RFC 0915 Browse Website open in new window
Network Mail Path Service. M.A. Elvy, R. Nedved. December 1984.


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 57 - RFC 0972 Browse Website open in new window
Password Generator Protocol. F.J. Wancho. January 1986.


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 58 - RFC 0993 Browse Website open in new window
PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System for Personal Computers. D.D. Clark, M.L. Lambert. December 1986.


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 59 - RFC 0983 Browse Website open in new window
ISO Transport Arrives on Top of the TCP. D.E. Cass, M.T. Rose. April 1986.


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 60 - RFC 0946 Browse Website open in new window
Telnet Terminal Location Number Option. R. Nedved. May 1985.


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