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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0101 - 0200

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 31 - RFC 0126 Browse Website open in new window
Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center. J. McConnell. April 1971.


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 32 - RFC 0118 Browse Website open in new window
Recommendations for Facility Documentation. R.W. Watson. April 1971.


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 33 - RFC 0105 Browse Website open in new window
Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output Retrieval at UCSB. J.E. White. March 1971.


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 34 - RFC 0195 Browse Website open in new window
Data Computers-Data Descriptions and Access Language. G.H. Mealy. July 1971.


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 35 - RFC 0104 Browse Website open in new window
Link 191. J.B. Postel, S.D. Crocker. February 1971.


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 36 - RFC 0144 Browse Website open in new window
Data sharing on computer networks. A. Shoshani. April 1971.


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 37 - RFC 0136 Browse Website open in new window
Host accounting and administrative procedures. R.E. Kahn. April 1971.


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 38 - RFC 0166 Browse Website open in new window
Data Reconfiguration Service: An Implementation Specification. R.H. Anderson, V.G. Cerf, E. Harslem, et al. May 1971.


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 39 - RFC 0152 Browse Website open in new window
SRI Artificial Intelligence Status Report. M. Wilber. May 1971.


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 40 - RFC 0124 Browse Website open in new window
Typographical Error in RFC 107. J.T. Melvin. April 1971.


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