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 21 - RFC 0131 Browse Website open in new window
Response to RFC 116: May NWG Meeting. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. April 1971.


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 22 - RFC 0145 Browse Website open in new window
Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands. J. Postel. May 1971. Obsoletes RFC 0127. Obsoleted by RFC 0165. Updated by RFC0143.


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 23 - RFC 0122 Browse Website open in new window
Network specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System. J.E. White. April 1971.


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 24 - RFC 0184 Browse Website open in new window
Proposed Graphic Display Modes. K.C. Kelley. July 1971.


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 25 - RFC 0132 Browse Website open in new window
Typographical Error in RFC 107. J.E. White. April 1971.


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 26 - RFC 0192 Browse Website open in new window
Some factors which a Network Graphics Protocol must consider. R.W. Watson. July 1971.


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 27 - RFC 0188 Browse Website open in new window
Data Management Meeting Announcement. P.M. Karp, D.B. McKay. January 1971.


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 28 - RFC 0190 Browse Website open in new window
DEC PDP-10-IMLAC communications system. L.P. Deutsch. July 1971.


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 29 - RFC 0130 Browse Website open in new window
Response to RFC 111: Pressure From the Chairman. J.F. Heafner. April 1971.


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 30 - RFC 0129 Browse Website open in new window
Request for Comments on Socket Name Structure. E. Harslem, J. Heafner, E. Meyer. April 1971.


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