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 Computers » Internet » RFCs » 0101 - 0200

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 1 - RFC 0114 Browse Website open in new window
File Transfer Protocol. A.K. Bhushan. April 1971. Updated by RFC 0133, RFC 0141, RFC 0171 and RFC 0172.


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 2 - RFC 0172 Browse Website open in new window
The File Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther, et al. June 1971.


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 3 - RFC 0141 Browse Website open in new window
Comments on RFC 114: A File Transfer Protocol. E. Harslem, J.F. Heafner. April 1971.


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 4 - RFC 0189 Browse Website open in new window
Interim NETRJS Specifications. R.T. Braden. July 1971.


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 5 - RFC 0171 Browse Website open in new window
The Data Transfer Protocol. A. Bhushan, B. Braden, W. Crowther, et al. June 1971.


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 6 - RFC 0102 Browse Website open in new window
Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee. S.D. Crocker. February 1971.


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 7 - RFC 0103 Browse Website open in new window
Implementation of Interrupt Keys. R.B. Kalin. February 1971.


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 8 - RFC 0133 Browse Website open in new window
File Transfer and Recovery. R.L. Sundberg. April 1971.


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 9 - RFC 0137 Browse Website open in new window
Telnet Protocol - a proposed document. T.C. O'Sullivan. April 1971.


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 10 - RFC 0123 Browse Website open in new window
Proffered Official ICP. S.D. Crocker. April 1971.


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