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 Computers » Graphics » Web » Colors

 Web Pages    21 - 29   of   29 Back to Colors Home 

A table of the 216 non-dithering colors, with an explanation of dithering and an example of how text looks in different colors.


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 22 - Colour Names Browse Website open in new window
List of color (colour) names supported in HTML. How to use color numbers if one of the predefined names is not what is wanted.


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 23 - HTML Color Chart Browse Website open in new window
Browser-safe colors and color names.


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Over 2000 colors and their hex codes to use in building HTML web sites, plus over 100 colors by name and a hexadecimal number conversion chart.


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Web colors in Hex, RGB, MSAccess and VBA. With RGB to Hex converter, color cubez, 216 safe colors, and HTML tutorial links.


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These background color images are available for use on UC Berkeley Library Web pages. The appropriate mark-up to use in HTML documents to access a particular background color is listed directly below each image.


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A brief overview about how to effectively use red, green and blue, as well as the Websafe palette.


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Colorpicker, choose the right combination of colors from the websafe palette, name palette, colorsets. Generate CSS-code, user-friendly interface to try different color combination. Note: May not support some browsers.


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 29 - Hexagonal Hues Browse Website open in new window
Web publisher's coloring book, with names and hex values for HTML colors.


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